Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Ultra Concealment Holster IWB- Brown - Black Swamp Leather Company
Ultra Concealment Holster IWB- Brown - Black Swamp Leather Company
Ultra Concealment Holster IWB- Brown - Black Swamp Leather Company
Ultra Concealment Holster IWB- Brown - Black Swamp Leather Company
Ultra Concealment Holster IWB- Brown - Black Swamp Leather Company
Ultra Concealment Holster IWB- Brown - Black Swamp Leather Company
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB
Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB

Black Swamp Leather Company

Reinforced Guard/ Ultra Concealment Holster IWB

Regular price $120.00

 This Leather holster is an Inside waistband holster. Made from thin but durable 5 ounce Full Grain vegetable tanned leather this holster will last a very long time. It features a Retention kydex trigger guard for maximum and controllable retention. The kydex insert also keeps the pocket open for easier re holstering. The belt loops are IWB soft belt loops, heavy duty rubberized nylon Pull-The-Dot security snaps that accommodate 1.25" to 2" belts (adjustable). The Loop snaps are designed to only pull apart from the top to avoid any accidental removal.

 The reinforced guard is made with a kydex support stitched in to help make the guard more rigid to keep it from bending over and getting in the way of re holstering.  

If you would like different Rubberized Nylon Soft Loops click here to order. (These will REPLACE the original loops when you order) RUBBERIZED SOFT LOOPS

It is made from 5-6 ounce full grain veg tan leather and lined with a waterproof glazed skin. Making this holster thinner that the standard leather and with superior retention and comfort.



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