About us

A little information about my business: 

  • My Name is Mike Epling. I am the owner and operator of Black Swamp Leather Comapny.
  • I started making Kydex Holsters in 2015 and because of repeated requests I  started working with leather in 2016. 
  • My workshop is located in Montpelier Ohio
  • I have been selling online since 2015 but I just started up my Shopify store in August of 2018.
  • I own and operate every aspect of my business. I research and develop new products, I market my products. I create all the necessary images and graphics for marketing and video productions. I also create all logos and promotional items I need.
  • I worked as a machinist in a local factory and lost my position at the beginning of COVID March of 2020. My company lost about half of their employees due to the slow down and I was one of them. So I turned my side business into a full time career.  
  • Contact Mike Epling at mike@blackswampleather.com or call (567)239-9692
  • Check me out on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Pintrest and Etsy!

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