Retention Hybrid/ BLACK With Red Stitching (Locking Leather) - Black Swamp Leather Company
Retention Hybrid/ BLACK With Red Stitching (Locking Leather) - Black Swamp Leather Company
Retention Hybrid/ BLACK With Red Stitching (Locking Leather) - Black Swamp Leather Company
Retention Hybrid/ BLACK With Red Stitching (Locking Leather) - Black Swamp Leather Company

Black Swamp Leather Company

Retention Hybrid/ BLACK With Red Stitching

Regular price $90.00

This holster is the perfect holster for the person looking for a high retention Hybrid Holster. It features full retention control and a soft durable backing that is comfortable to carry. This holster has kydex that completely covers the trigger guard giving to the highest security you can have with a hybrid. Can be worn Inside or Outside the waistband.


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