Retention Leather IWB
Retention Leather IWB
Locking Leather IWB - Black Swamp Leather Company
Locking Leather IWB - Black Swamp Leather Company
Locking Leather IWB - Black Swamp Leather Company
Locking Leather IWB - Black Swamp Leather Company
Locking Leather IWB - Black Swamp Leather Company
Locking Leather IWB - Black Swamp Leather Company
Retention Leather IWB
Retention Leather IWB

Black Swamp Leather Company

Retention Leather IWB

Regular price $110.00

The Retention Leather Inside Waistband holster is exactly like the Standard Leather IWB but better. This holster is a leather holster with a kydex insert that allows your gun to snap securely in place just like a kydex holster. Just like the kydex holsters the Retention Leather IWB has retention adjustment.

It is made from 7 to 9 ounce full grain veg tan leather and lined with a waterproof glazed skin. 

If you would like Rubberized Nylon Soft Loops Click here to order. (These will REPLACE the original leather loops automatically) RUBBERIZED SOFT LOOPS 

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