Company Policy

This page is set to establish and display our company guidelines and policies.


Policy Concerning Conduct in Artwork and custom orders:

 Black Swamp Leather Company strives to portray a clean, ethical and professional company. The products I make will be a direct reflection on myself as owner and the company. Therefore, while I can do many things as far as images, lettering and artwork, I will not make anything that uses or portrays foul language, alcohol, drugs or drug related paraphernalia, pornography or sexual innuendos. I will not make or remake any satanic images or references, secret societies or otherwise questionable organization emblems or symbols.

These policies will not be compromised, altered, or otherwise argued. They are in place to maintain the reputation of this company and to hold a good and right moral standing.


Thank you for your understanding.


Mike Epling

Black Swamp Leather Company LLC


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Subtotal $0.00

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