The Security Holster/ Versa Carry
The Security Holster/ Versa Carry
The Security Holster/ Versa Carry
The Security Holster/ Versa Carry

Black Swamp Leather Company

The Security Holster/ Versa Carry

Regular price $120.00

This is outside waistband holster. Built for comfort and concealment this holster is made from 7-9 oz Veg tan leather. Belt loops are made to handle up to a 2" belt and placed to give you options on placement. You can use the belt loops across from each other to carry straight vertical or us the loops slanted from each other to give you a cant to be worn a little further back between the 3 o'clock position and 5 o'clock position. If you like to be able to carry in multiple locations this is the holster you want. 

This holster also features a thumb break strap for a level 2 retention. The Thumb Break is designed to unsnap as you grip the weapon to un holster and force the thumb down behind the slide as you get a full firing grip the thumb break will release and you can easily draw the weapon. This holster is great for Concealed or Open Carry. 

-The Security Holster/ Versa Carry

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