Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard
Leather IWB- Standard

Black Swamp Leather Company

Leather IWB- Standard

Regular price $100.00

The series 315 holster is an Inside waistband holster. It is made with 7-9oz tooling leather with a reinforced pocket opening. The belt loops are full grain leather and can accommodate up to a 2" belt.

If you would like Rubberized Nylon Soft Loops click here to order. (These will REPLACE the original leather loops when you order) RUBBERIZED SOFT LOOPS


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